Sunday, June 21, 2020

A Simple Home Rocks!

Hebrews 3:4
King James Version
4 For every house is builded by some man; 
but he that built all things is God.

What a beautiful find yesterday!

Reading some marketers' mails online, and clicking on the appropriate links, I came across the very awesome Low Cost Log Homes of KY website.

The image you see above was its frontispiece, and it depicted EXACTLY my idea of a simple, sturdy, and straightforward home.

Just a simple, rectangular design, with a deck out in front.

A perfect, low-maintenance way to live and entertain simply.

I could stare at this beauty all day long, and imagine how lovely it would be to live in one.

I live in the Philippines, but somehow this American design is the one I wish to share with you, for it has captured my heart with its simple, unadorned beauty.

We know how people are, where many wish their homes to be as huge, complicated, or expensive as their neighbor's.

Well, I'm not one of those people.

I've designed and researched tiny, affordable rooms, and homes.  

I've even visited building trade fairs where I could find alternative home designs -- and I've found many.

In college, I've even applied to study low-cost housing in Asian Institute of Technology* in Thailand, in my desire to really get to the bottom of it.

Despite the Deans of Architecture and Engineering giving letters of recommendation on my behalf for the scholarship, AIT thought my grades too low.

Oh well, no one had high grades in Architecture anyway har har. 

My heart has always been closest to those who cannot afford expensive homes.

There is a way to live simply, and happily, and I can assure you, if your heart is right with the LORD, having a roof over your head, whether just a tiny, rented room, or a simple, basic home suffices.

In these days of covid, I can barely imagine how many families in the less fortunate neighborhoods, manage to fit in.

So, when I see a simple, sturdy, and straightforward home like the one above, and priced low, my heart soars, wanting to share it with your right away!

Even the website is tiny, and simple.

And yet, the links and tabs are all you need.

Nothing flashy or complicated, so refreshingly wonderful!

Exactly what my designer's heart loves, and respects!

If your heart is like mine, grounded, and yet looking up at God for all my simple needs, then please click this Low Cost Log Homes link once more.

*Just a little funny thought: Nearly 20 years after having applied to that AIT scholarship in Thailand, and being turned down, God comes in and makes me marketing communications consultant for a local university. And guess who was the dean there, this time? The VERY same head of that AIT university. Funny how things come around, eh? Anyway, the Dean and I had a good laugh about that one. Actually, he was speechless, but I found him to be a kind person, too! 

Of course, my revolutionary heart wished people would look upon the DESIRE, and INTENT of the student, and not on the foolish grades, or capability to pay tuition. Those don't really mean anything in my books, except it did in theirs. But I guess I can put up my own school one day, where grades are the last to be considered. I'd rather look upon the heart, the mind, and spirit of each student, praying that God show me how to serve each student, and family, and to help them reach their fullest God-given potential. Oh, that would be a dream!

(Image sourced from Low Cost Log Homes.)

Updated 24 January 2022